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GaN-based power electronics circuit design


- GaN-based power electronics circuits can achieve the high-frequency operation

- The high-frequency operation can dramatically reduce the passive component size

- Magnetic component design for inductor or transformer

- Analysis of parasitic components in the high-frequency operation

- Research for high-efficiency and high-density power solutions

Power electronics applications in smart grids


- An increased penetration of distributed generators has an impact on the reliability and stability of the grid

- LVRT or FRT standards have been introduced to cope with the grid-faults

- New control scheme and new circuit topology for the reactive power capability

Advanced control scheme for power quality improvement


- New control scheme for power quality improvement

- Fuzzy-based controller, repetitive controller, neural-network-based controller, DOB, SMC, etc.

- Machine learning or intelligent control for power electronic circuits

Motor control and drive circuit design

Motor control block diagram.png
Mason motor.png

- GaN-based motor drive circuit design

- High power density and high-efficiency motor driver circuit design

- Motor control schemes for PMSM, BLDC, Induction motor, etc.

- Applications: robot actuators, drone, electric vehicles, fuel-cell vehicles, etc.

Kyungpook National University

School of Electronics Engineering

College of IT Engineering


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